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Single Dove Bouquet

Single Dove Bouquet

PriceFrom C$79.00

This bouquet would be greatly appreciated for a Passing, Get Well, Birthday and more...

Filled with

-One White Chocolate Dipped Pineapple shape of a Dove

-White Chocolate Dipped Strawberries 

-Milk Chocolate Dipped Strawberries

-Bright Red Strawberries

-Juicy Oranges

-Crisp Watermelon

-A few Cantaloupe/Honeydew melons

and our Signature Apple


Our Personal Regular Dove (not Shown) $79 has less fruits and less chocolate dipped strawberries than our Regular Dove Bouquet

Our Regular as Shown $120

Our Full  $160 has much more chocolate dipped strawberries/bright red strawberries/more sweet oranges and crisp watermelon

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